


In early Summer
Dogwoods are talking with cherry blossoms,
 Remembering an old story,
Two countries presented each other
their respective lovely trees.
ドッグウッド 桜とかわす 物語
In early summer,
A helicopter is flying over the sky,
Along the edge of uneasiness.
初夏の 不安の縁を かわすヘリ
The summer shines over the park,
Mothers are talking.
And children are having fun.
夏日射す 空き地ママ友 子は騒ぐ
Spring has gone,
Summer has come.
Children are running around
春過ぎて 夏来たる裸子 駆け回る
Stops a moment.
In front of a fence,
Along which Spirea flowers are in bloom.
こでまりの 垣根のそばで 立ち止まる